A large city – but what about the traffic jams?
Most of the times not a single rule or a single authority can be identified to be responsible for a great prosperous city. Instead, distributed rules and multiple authorities work together and create something strong and powerful. The same applies to prosperous businesses. Embracing distributed authorities and let them create rules that matter locally is the key to unleashing the creative power of an organization. Like a prosperous city, a prosperous business needs to implement laws and policies wisely that apply equally to all inhabitants. This creates an organizational environment where Agile methodologies and planning tools can make the difference between a large city with lots of local traffic congestion problems and a large city with a city-wide smart traffic policy that avoids congestions and intelligently manages the flows.
Let us examine an example: City traffic
Instead of just shifting vehicles around the city street grid, the smart Agile city focuses on maximising the delivered value or traffic capacity and throughput for the whole city. Value is not produced by maximizing the number of vehicles and their speeds, but ensuring that similar transport requirements use the best matched vehicle type that is then allowed to flow through the city with minimized or no congestions at all.
The goal of traffic planning using Agile methods is not to squeeze more vehicles into already overloaded city streets, but to maximise transport capacity using less vehicles, resulting in fewer traffic jams and more delivered value – a clear win-win situation!